Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sorry but I am ashamed of my country. Wereally badmouthed the Russians when the invaded Afghanistan. How is this different?I t is difficult to comprehend that my country would be so cruel to a guy who was only a cook. We did not treat the cooks for the nazis like this and the nazis were the aggressors. In this war WE ARE the aggressor. I'm sorry but I am ashamed of my country. I want us to be squeaky clean.I can't believe they want to give him 14 years just for working for someone as a cook. That's insane.He should have gotten a guest spot on "Top Chef." How is it a crime to feed somebody?That's just it. It's not a crime to feed somebody, anybody.
We have gone off course as a country, when we allow somebody to be detained for 8 years, then sentenced to 14 years more, just for being a cook. The American people should not be allowig this kind of stuff to happen.
We should go after the actual terrorists themselves.Lock them up and bring Cheney and Bush next up, 50 years each for lying America into their 'oil thieving warHow sad. 800 men and teenagers imprisoned without rights for over 8 years and only 4, including this cook, convicted of anything. Welcome to the Gulag, ...

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