Friday, December 7, 2012

The Never Ending Duke Rape Saga

Seligmann, Finnerty, and Evans

How Dare Anyone Question The Zionists
You just don't get a District Attorney/Lawyer, and a local police chief, to stick his necks out against Zionists elite at Duke, unless there was a horrendous crime. Now we see that the Jewish members of Congress are jumping on the band wagon, and demanding an investigation.
On 3/24/2007 it appears the charges will be dropped.


Justice inquiry demanded on Duke rape charges


Congressman Peter King
Peter King, New York Republican a extremely powerful politician is calling on Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales to assign Justice Department attorneys and the FBI to investigate the Duke incident.

King States
 "I have been following with great interest and deepening concern the prosecution by Durham County District Attorney Michael B. Nifong," Mr. King said in a terse letter to Mr. Gonzales. "I have done so not only because members of Collin Finerty's family are my constituents but because I have been accorded the privilege of representing all the citizens in this country and their interest in guaranteeing not only the appearance of justice but its actual implementation."
King Wants A Congressional Investigation
Mr. King said a review he conducted of documents and summaries of Mr. Nifong's investigation, along with discussions with other members of Congress, led to his call for the Justice Department probe.
"I am deeply disappointed by your apparent decision to defer a decision whether to investigate Mr. Nifong's prosecution of this case," Mr. King said, referring to rejections last week of probe requests by Reps. Walter B. Jones, North Carolina Republican, and Carolyn McCarthy, New York Democrat.

Investigate The DNA Lab
Mr. King said the Justice Department probe should target Mr. Nifong and members of his staff, DNA Security Inc., including its director, Brian Meehan.
King Wants Police Investigated
Mr. King said the Justice Department probe should target Mr. Nifong, his staff, and the Durham Police Department.
NC State Attorney To Drop Charges
FOX News has learned the attempted kidnapping charges still pending against Collin Finnerty, 19, of Garden City, N.Y.; Dave Evans, 23, of Bethesda, Md.; and Reade Seligmann, 20, of Essex Falls, N.J., will soon be dropped.

"There is no case here and they will be hearing a dismissal in the coming days," Caulfield told FOX News.


An Old Zionist Tactic
When threatened, you come back highly public and massive response. If an Palestinian actually shot a Israeli Jew, the Zionists would level a neighborhood, and kill a hundred Arabs. If Hezbollah were real, they would take a garbage truck loaded with C-4 and drive it into the lobby of a Tel Aviv skyscraper. And if they did, Israel would nuke Beirut.
As far as the Duke incident, there isn't a prosecutor in America that is going to touch one of these Zionists. A few months back, a NY cop, who was arresting one, was beaten senseless by a Jewish crowd. The end result was the police chief had to apologize.

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