Friday, December 28, 2012

Immigration brought the Roman Empire down
The New Stürmer
Year 2001
Dear Aryan Kindred
Today I will write to you about an old problem, a problem that was known even to the Roman Empire and which brought that empire down - IMMIGRATION, or the flooding of a nation with foreign elements. It will possibly be a new experience for you to view people of the German race as immigrants - but they once immigrated into the Roman Empire, asked to come there by the Emperor. This immigration is very similar to the immigration of Asians, Africans and Hispanics which we see in our Western world of today.
When I in this letter talk about Germans, I mean people of the German race! Please note that!
The flooding of foreign cultures into a nation is among the worst things that can happen to a people. Such flooding has throughout history been called for by only one people: the Jews, and the Jews have been among the first to cry for more immigration whenever they have had the chance to do so.
Emperor Augustus
During the realm of Augustus (63 BC - 14 AC), the Roman Army consisted mainly of Romans with befriended troops as auxiliary troops. As Marcus Aurelius (121 - 180 AC) became Emperor the situation had changed drastically - now the main part of the Roman Army consisted of mercenaries. During the Marcomannian Wars, Marcus Aurelius tried to bridge the lack of Roman soldiers by using mercenaries of German race. The number of mercenaries in the army did not reach a critical point; thus, no conflicts between Romans and foreigners occurred.
Emperor Marcus Aurelios

Foreigners as Defenders
Under the successors of Marcus Aureilius, the use of soldiers of other ethnic backgrounds as Roman escalated even to the use of mercenaries as officers and generals. Marcus Aurielius even tried to populate part of his empire through immigration. The parts of the empire which were repopulated with immigrants were parts which had been depopulated by plague, hunger and stagnation/decline in birth rate. This happened in what was the homeland of the Italians. By doing this, he hoped to take away the pressure on the Northern borders. Northern Italy was determined by the Germans to be a good settling place for them, as their homeland could not absorb any more inhabitants.
The settling of Germans in northern Italy led to large problems, as the Germans who settled on the Po-plain wanted Ravenna to be the main city. Soon the national politicians understood the danger and started to reverse the influx of foreigners, Germans; they were sent back to the north. During the next 300 years the military pressure increased on all borders of the empire, especially on the northern border to Germany. In spite of the massive building up of the army, the combat qualities dropped dramatically. About two thirds of the troops were auxiliary-troops and the federate. They consisted of hired foreigners or Roman-German mixed people (crossbred).
Decline in population as well as increasing military costs led to a hellish full-circle that had increased economic depression as a result (Members of the Roman Legions paid no taxes.). As fewer and fewer Romans were paying taxes, and more and more troops were needed to protect the borders, the economy of the empire collapsed.

They believed in integration
Until about 375 AC, at the beginning of the migration of nations, the "German problem" could partially be managed by use of military. With the Hun attack on and the oust of the Visigoths onto Roman land a completely new situation arose. In the stroke of a moment the Romans had a fully new group of people within the territory. The final turning point was the battle of Adrianople in 378; as you know, the Roman army was defeated in that battle. The battle illustrated climactically the differences between the Romans and the Goths; lack of discipline and military incompetence on the Roman side were the reasons for the military defeat of the Roman Legion. From that battle onward, it was impossible for the Romans to solve the question of the Germans politically. Instead, they directed their efforts into integrating the immigrated people into Roman society. The Roman politicians thought the high culture of the Roman Empire to be able to absorb the foreigners. The Goths were allowed to settle on Roman land, but they had to be part of the Legions in return.
In the western part of the Empire, especially in Gallia, the claim of land by foreigners was made permissible. One third of the land and half of the forests were given to the Germans.
Exacerbating the conflict between the "guests" and the natives was the "confessional" crevice between the Catholic Romans and the Arianism of the Goths. In spite of this divide, the Roman clergy tried to preach the universality of Christianity as the common binder between the people. The theologian Orosius hovered in the multicultural beliefs that a Christianity under a Christian Emperor could be the salvation for Romans as well as Germans. For the Germans on the other side, Christianity was only a thin layer over their pagan inheritance - which they kept on.
The Romans did not accept the immigrants and looked upon them as "barbarian". In spite of the call from the clergy to accept the "new Romans", the resistance increased and led to pogroms upon the immigrated Germans.
The Germans outside the Empire had more children than the Romans. These children moved to their relatives within the Empire.   Ammianus said about the Germans: "In spite of all their many losses in battles, the number of Germans seems to increase. Unbelievably quickly, new youths grow up as if distress and death have no influence upon the population."
The implementation of the military policy of setting Germans to fight Germans increased the military defeat and downfall of the Legion. German mercenaries in the Legion contributed to the movement of German tribes to Spain in 409 AC. After them came the Vandals and other tribes of the German race. The Roman control of the confederated German troops was impossible; the Emperor who had once relied upon his German commanders because they were more reliable then the Roman ones realized that the Germans were playing their own games. The integration of the German mercenaries into the Roman Legion was an error.

The core of the decline
Why did the Romans not defend themselves against the expansion of their emperors?
An expanding and unjust taxation which divided the public into poor and rich, encroachment into privacy, and incompetence and corruption among the Executives of the state led to the alienation of the people from their military as well as civil leaders. The political leaders of the Empire tried to protect themselves from disaster, but did not succeed.
The core of the decline was that the Roman Empire had forgotten to look after the interest of their inhabitants - the Roman people.
The Romans turned to the antique precursor of amusement companies. The leading concept was that of Paanem et Circensis (bread and circus); they found relaxation in gladiator fights, in aggregation towards animals, and in wagon races as well as in low level theatrical performances. Even though these amusements had some stabilitating effects, they could not save the Empire.
"We play in spite of the fear of imprisonment and in the middle of fear of death we laugh", said Salvian, a clergy to what was happening around him.

The end
As a result of the increasing decadence, the sons and daughters of the middle classes turned to convents to flee from taking an active part in saving the Empire. After the defeat of Rome to the Goths in 410, the familial feeling of the Romans towards their leaders was completely lost. Once again, decline in birthrates began. Increasing biblical studies led to the spreading of thoughts of End Times and apathetic fundamental behaviours - this led to the fall of the Roman infrastructure, which again increased the deaths of children and women. At the end, nothing was left of what once made the Empire large and strong.

Who stood behind the fall of the Empire?
Even then the Jews had power. They had so much power that Cicero was afraid to speak of their suppression.
They were the moneylenders of the Empire.
They were the slave traders of the Empire.
I leave it to you to find out what else the Jews were doing.

What can we learn?
First of all, we must get rid of the Jews. Then we must start re-educating our people. With the Jews gone, the immigrants will leave - nobody will be there to protect them.
Then we must bring our people back to the people we once were.
At the end we can live in paradise. Not in a biblical one, but one for our race: a world which does not need wars for fat Jews to feed themselves on.
Heil og sael


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