Monday, January 24, 2011

Um yes he divested because by law he had to in order to hold his office as vice-president, but like chris said funny how hailburton was just giving the contract. Funny how billions of dollars was just mis managed and losed by KBR, a company owned by hellaburton and the biggest employers of contractors in Iraq and yes you best believe that the day Cheney /bush left office millions im sure found its way into the pockets.Frank, Cheney and Bush allowed this company and hundreds of others to rape the American taxpayer. While they may not have gotten any dispensation up front I bat there was a lot of money coming in the back door to Cheney and Bush for the 8 years they were in office. Funny how after he "Divested Himself" they got a contract without having to bid on it. When every contract that the government is legally bound to be contracted. They broke the law to get billions.Don't bother with the fact that KBR charged the American tax payer 28 dollars for every single plate of food it fed American soldiers. Don't both with the fact their shoddy construction work electrocuted soldiers......
No, please don't both with the facts at all.....

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